
World of DVG's Literature

Honours and Felicitations

For years on end, DVG kept refusing the requests from the public and government for honouring and felicitating him. Without waiting for even a moment, DVG rejected the pension that the government voluntarily offered him.

ಭಗವದ್ಗೀತೆಯ ಹೃದಯ – ಡಾ|| ಲಿಂಗೇಶ ಮಹಾಭಾಗವತರು

[ಇದು ‘ದಿ ಇಂಡಿಯನ್ ರಿವ್ಯು ಆಫ್ ರಿವ್ಯೂಸ್’ ಮಾಸಪತ್ರಿಕೆಯ ‘ವಿಶಿಷ್ಟಗ್ರಂಥಗಳು’ ಎಂಬ ಅಂಕಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಡಾ|| ಡಿ. ವಿ. ಗುಂಡಪ್ಪನವರು ಆಂಗ್ಲಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾಡಿದ ಗ್ರಂಥವಿಮರ್ಶೆಯ ಕನ್ನಡಾನುವಾದ. ಮೂಲದ ಪ್ರಕಟನೆ: ಸೆಪ್ಟೆಂಬರ್ ೧೯೨೧.]

ஒரு பாலகனுக்கு உபநயனம் நடத்த தகுந்த வயது குறித்த கோட்பாடுகள் வித்தியாசப்படுவதைக் காண்கிறோம்(அந்த பாலகனை ‘vaṭu’ என்றழைக்கின்றனர்).[1] இதில் சுவாரசியமான விஷயம் என்னவென்றால் அவ்வயது கருத்தாக்கத்திலிருந்து கணிக்கப்படுகிறது என்பதே.[2] குழந்தையின் வயதைக் கணிக்கும் வழக்கம் பாரத தேசத்தில் தொன்றுதொட்டு நடைபெற்று வருகிறது.


I will narrate another story to demonstrate how an enemy should never be trusted even if he appears to be soft and is gentle in his speech. There lived a king by name Brahmadatta in the city of Kāmpilya. A bird by name Pūjini had built its nest in his palace and had lived there for a long time. The queen gave birth to a son and on the same day the bird too had an offspring. The bird brought fruits from the sea shore and fed the royal child and its own. The kid grew up well as he consumed the fruit which was like amṛta.

Tenderness Towards Students

Lakṣmīnarasiṃha Śāstri was immensely fond of his students. Addressing those who were with him for a long time, he used to say: “Having students such as you all, I can happily teach Gauḍādi-gauḍānta Vedānta.”



Though Srinivasa Sastri often claimed it as an excuse, he did not lack knowledge about the Rāmāyaṇa at all. He went through the original Rāmāyaṇa in Sanskrit again and again and perhaps he did so all through the day. As he went through the original version of the Epic composed by Vālmīki, he grew curious to see how the other poets had described the same episodes. He would immediately call out for his wife.

“Lakshmi! Read out what Kamban has written in the context of this incident. Let me hear it out”

Deep Bonding with Society

The source of inspiration for all of DVG’s life-work was the deep bonding he had forged with society. This bond was not something that was imposed on him externally; it was part of his bloodstream.


It is good character that is more important than physical strength. Noble character leads to honesty, dhārmic outlook, strength and wealth. In the past, Prahlāda won over Indra and ruled the three worlds, merely because of his unblemished character. Indra disguised himself as a brāhmaṇa, went to Prahlāda and lived as a student with him. He received noble characteristics as a boon from Prahlāda, for having served him with sincerity. As soon as Indra left, a radiant mūrti came out of Prahlāda’s body.

Śrī  Navīnam Veṅkaṭeśa Śāstri had supplied several sets of logical refinement to Brahma-sūtras, which were not seen in extant commentaries thereon. Because of this, the moniker ‘Navīnam’ came to be associated with him. Vidvān Śeṣācala Śarmā insisted Lakṣmīnarasiṃha Śāstri to collate his Guru’s logical refinements in the form of notes and prepare them for publication. But he never gave his mind to this job.