15 That the principles of धर्म (Dharma) will have to align and follow the principles of natureis indicated in a timeless proverb. The same proverb also says that the principles of both are the not the same. For man, the principles observed in nature alone do not suffice. The process and principles about about earth, water, heat, wind, clouds are not appropriate. The living...
13 Dharma (Global Ethic or Righteousness) is the conduct of earning all that is good. Good means "सत्". The supreme among all the good things attained by human perception is the Atman. God is the Supreme "सत्" meaning “eternal.” God is auspicious or good. Therefore the conduct keeping in mind God is the righteousness or "Dharma". Just as the word ऋत (Rta), the term धर्म (Dharma) also has three or four connotations associated to its meaning:...
11 ऋत means 'as is,' सत्य also means 'as is.' As is comprehending the fact or object in its true form. To convey the same meaning why is there usage of two words ऋत and सत्य? Here the two of them serve different purposes. ऋत is the internal sprout of thought without the compulsion or urge by others. This means inner radiance, inner vision. This is true and natural. But this alone won't suffice for a man's conduct. This needs confirmation at many...
9 The difference in meanings of ऋत and सत्य is unequivocal in the following mantra of the Vedas: ऋतं त्वा सत्येन परिशिञ्चमीति सायं परिषिञ्चति | सत्यं त्वर्तेन परिशिञ्चमीति प्रात:| अग्निर्वा ऋतम् | असावादित्य:सत्यम् | अग्निमेव तदादित्येन सायं परिशिञ्चिति | अग्निनाsदित्यं प्रात: स: | In this, the day and night are the two faces of principle of time. We need to comprehend and consume in the same fashion. In this, the goal of the...
7 With reference to this topic, we need to understand three more words: ऋतु, ऋजु, and ऋण. ऋतु has come from the root (धातु) word 'ऋ.' ऋ denotes happening or receipt. Here it represents the right time,  appropriate time, or the time appointed for any action or any settled point of time. ऋजु originates from ऋजु धातु. 'ऋजु' refers to that which occurs, being there, to earn, or to experience. It also indicates being upright or acting in the right...
4 It appears the concept of rta is multifold: System or Order in the Universe अवश्यम्बावी (Sure things, such as action and result, debtor and creditor relationship.) Where there are roots, sprouts are bound to be there, in cycle of deeds the good and bad results are inescapable. Development of Human Nature. In every human being or living thing there are some hidden characteristics. That becomes his nature. This nature is eternal. This...
3 The popular belief held from the period of the Vedas is that in the world of creation, behind the various forms there is a formless principle or law that governs them. Our rishis recognized that in the solar activity (of sunrise and sunset), lunar activity, and the seasonal changes, there are well-defined principles or laws. Similarly, they recognized the governing principles behind living beings. They identified the origin of life and the...
1 We commonly say, "This is my nature," "This is his mould," or "This is my mould." What do we mean by 'mould' or 'nature'? By birth, a human being acquires certain instincts, strengths, and nature. How do these come to him? It may have come as a gift, a fruit of previous doings, or as a residue from a previous birth. The reason could be any but it will be with him from his birth. That is his nature or mould. Physical attributes such as hands,...
In the Hindu way of life we are guided by four purusharthas (पुरुषार्थ) – dharma (धर्म) - righteousness, global ethic, moral principle artha (अर्थ) - wealth, resources, means kama (काम) - desire, love, attachment moksha (मोक्ष) - liberation, release, bliss All of them are important for humans to conduct their lives and carry on their work. The fascinating part is the order of their importance. It can be understood as follows. Think of the...