
Myths, Legends and Rituals in Bhyrappa’s Novels – Part 3

Nature Myths: In novels like ‘Vamshavruksha’, Jalapatha’, ‘Grahana’, ‘Datu’, ‘Parva’, ‘Nirakarana’, ‘Nele’ and some other novels, nature myths, natural phenomena and natural features like rain, spring or change of seasons, rivers, floods, cataracts, eclipses, mountains have been used effectively to reveal the influence of nature on the human situation.

Myths, Legends and Rituals in Bhyrappa’s Novels – Part 2

The use of myth in ‘Saakshi’ also functions beautifully at another level by equating the mythical and magical power with the creative power of disinterested observation in an artist (novelist). This reminds me of what Coleridge says ‘’about the magical power of creativity, the power of an artist, in his poem ‘Kublakhan’:

‘That with music loud and long

I would build that dome in air,

That Sunny dome! Those caves of ice;

And all who heard should see them there

And all should cry, Beware! Beware!

His flashing eyes, his floating hair!

Myths, Legends and Rituals in Bhyrappa's Novels - Part 1

Myth has become a prominent term at present in literary criticism. A large group of writers, myth-critics like Robert Graves, Francis Ferguson, Maud Bodkin, Richard Chase, Northrop Frye, Joseph Campbell and others view the genres and individual plot patterns of many works of literature - including what appear on the surface to be highly sophisticated and realistic world, as recurrences of basic mythic formulas.

A story for a verse – Naḍimiṇṭi Maṅgaleśvaraśāstri and falsehood

भूत्वा पौल्कसकात् प्रपद्य रजकानाभाष्य पौराणिकान्

गानस्थानमुपेत्य चाशुकरणानालिङ्ग्य नत्वा कवीन् |

वेश्यासद्मनि संप्रविश्य च गता वैद्यस्य पाणिग्रहं

भूयो हन्त ! सुवर्णकारसदने सानन्दमास्ते मृषा ||


A story for a verse - Naḍimiṇṭi Maṅgaleśvaraśāstri

यागक्रियार्थं खलु वृक्षराजो

वर्णक्रियार्थं खलु भृङ्गराजः |

तुलाक्रियार्थं खलु विट्तराजो

न किञ्चिदर्थं भुवि नर्सराजः ||

Naḍimiṇṭi Maṅgaleśvaraśāstri was a scholar, who was born in a town called Nāgūru of the Pārvatīpura province in the Viśākhapaṭṭaṇam district of the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh. He lived in the 19th century and was an authority on language and grammar. In his wit, he was like the famous Rāmakṛṣṇa of Tenāli.

A story for a verse – Sosale Garaḻapuriśāstri's request for a house

त्वमसि रसिकमध्ये मङ्गलस्वानरम्यः

समरमृदितशत्रुः किं च रम्भारतीच्छुः |

दरधरहृदयोsहं नेश्वरश्रीर्जितोsन्यैः

मम वितर समृद्ध्यै मन्दिरं का क्षतिस्ते ||