February 2024

The Gītā is not a treatise with a limited outlook for one set of people. It is beneficial to the entire humankind. We firmly believe that the principles taught by the Gītā ought to be honoured by people of all countries, whatever stage they may be in. Their lives too would benefit from an application of the teachings of the Gītā. This treatise is for all humankind. This was not born only for the brāhmaṇas or the country of Bhārata. If it is said...
विवर्गाक्षरी विगतानि वर्गाक्षराणि यस्यामिति व्युत्पत्त्या यस्यां कवितायां कस्यचन वर्गविशेषस्य अक्षराणि यत्नेन वारितानि भवन्ति सा विवर्गाक्षरीति गीतमविगीतैर्विचक्षणैः । अनेनापि प्रकारेण निषिद्धाक्षरीविभागः शक्यो वर्तयितुम् । अत्र वर्गनिषेधो द्वेधा भवितुमर्हति यथा – कृत्स्ने पद्ये कस्यचन वर्गस्य निषेधः एकैकस्मिन् पादे एकैकस्य वर्गस्य निषेधः तदेतदुभयमपि एकैकेनोदाहरणेन स्फुटीक्रियते – 1. विषयः – शिवः । निषिद्धवर्गः – पवर्गः । अवधानी – शतावधानी...
Even after having been cursed by Anaraṇya, Rāvaṇa continued to torment the worlds. Devarṣi Nārada warned him against it, but the rākṣasa paid no heed to the muni’s words. Learning of Rāvaṇa’s intentions to conquer Yama-loka, Nārada rushed to Yama’s abode and alerted him of the danger of the rākṣasa. Even as Nārada was speaking to Yama, Rāvaṇa started attacking the place mounted on his puṣpaka-vimāna. Yama’s men subdued the rākṣasas and...
बुद्ध के समय के सोलह बडे राज्य निम्नानुसार थेः- अंग मगध काशी कोसल वृजिगण (वज्जीगण)[1] मल्लगण[2] चेदी[3] वत्स (बच्च)[4] कुरु पांचाल मत्स्य (मच्च) शूरसेन[5] अश्मक[6] अवन्ती[7] गांधार और काम्बोज इनके अतिरिक्त भी मालवा, मद्र, यौधेय, कोलीय तथा शाक्य जैसे कुछ गणतंत्र थे। जैन ग्रंथों में इनका अनेकबार उल्लेख किया गया है। उस समय भारत कईं छोटे छोटे क्षेत्रों में बट गया था जो अल्पकालिक साम्राज्य या जन जातीय शासकों द्वारा शासित थे। इसके...
Section 20 / Conclusion We had a second look at the Gītā. What did we gain for our own use? Whatever be the śāstra or art that we set out to learn, there are two approaches towards its study. The first one is a theoretical approach - marked by reasoning and reaching an intellectual conclusion. The second is a practical approach - the experimental realisation of the subject of study. Just as we need both feet to walk, we need both theory and...
सारः अवधानमिति[i] प्रसिद्धः आशुकाव्यप्रधानः कलाविशेषः सहृदयहृदयं सविशेषं समाराधयन् चिराद् विराजते । सेयं कला संख्याभेदेन अष्टावधानं शतावधानं सहस्रावधानं चेत्यादीनि नानानामानि भजते । यत्र केनचिदेककाले अष्टौ विषया अङ्गानि वा निरुह्यन्ते तदष्टावधानम्, यत्र शतं तच्छतावधानम्, यत्र सहस्रं तत्सहस्रावधानं चेति भावः । अत्रत्यान्यङ्गानि निषिद्धाक्षरी समस्या दत्तपदी न्यस्ताक्षरी उद्दिष्टाक्षरी चेत्यादीनि नानाविधानि । एष्वङ्गेषु प्रत्येकमपि...
Many ṛṣis from around the world came to congratulate and bless Rāma for his victory against the rākṣasas. The ṛṣis specifically extolled Rāma’s victory over Indrajit. When Rāma asked them what was so special about Indrajit, Agastya started narrating the story of Rāvaṇa’s lineage. “A brahmarṣi named Pulastya, the son of Brahmā lived in the Kṛta-yuga. He performed tapas by restraining his senses in the āśrama of Tṛṇabindu on the slopes of Mount...
साम्राज्य-काल वेदों, इतिहास तथा पुराणों से अब हम तथा कथित ऐतिहासिक काल पर आते हैं। वैसे भी प्राचीन साहित्य तथा लिपिबद्ध इतिहास के मध्य कोई स्पष्ट विभाजन रेखा नहीं है। वेदो में वर्णित सभी राजाओं की वंश परम्पराएँ, भारतीय इतिहास का ही अंग है। उदाहरणार्थ, वेदो में प्राचीन राजा दिवोदास का उल्लेख है। सुदास उसका पुत्र था। सुदास के राजपुरोहित वसिष्ठ थे। ऋगवेद में दस राजाओं के युद्ध का वर्णन है जंहा विश्वामित्र के नेतृत्त्व में दस राजाओं ने एकसाथ मिल कर...