July 2021

ಪರಿಮಳಗುಪ್ತ ಅಥವಾ ಪರಿಮಳಪದ್ಮಗುಪ್ತನು ಬರೆದ ಐತಿಹಾಸಿಕಮಹಾಕಾವ್ಯ “ನವಸಾಹಸಾಂಕಚರಿತ.” ಇದು ಭೋಜದೇವನ ತಂದೆ ಸಿಂಧುಲನ ಸಾಧನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಕೊಂಡಾಡುವ ಕೃತಿ. ಇದರ ಒಂದು ಶ್ಲೋಕವು ನಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರಕೃತೋದ್ದೇಶಕ್ಕೆ ಒದಗಿಬರುವಂತಿದೆ:
ಚಕ್ಷುಸ್ತದುನ್ಮೇಷಿ ಸದಾ ಮುಖೇ ವಃ
ಸಾರಸ್ವತಂ ಶಾಶ್ವತಮಾವಿರಸ್ತು |
ಪಶ್ಯಂತಿ ಯೇನಾವಹಿತಾಃ ಕವೀಂದ್ರಾ-
ಸ್ತ್ರಿವಿಷ್ಟಪಾಭ್ಯಂತರವರ್ತಿ ವಸ್ತು || (೧.೪)
ಕವಿಗಳ ವದನಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸಾರಸ್ವತನೇತ್ರವು ಸದಾ ತೆರೆದಿದ್ದು ಬೆಳಗಲಿ. ಇದರ ಮೂಲಕವೇ ಮಹಾಕವಿಗಳು ಸಾವಧಾನವಾಗಿ ಮೂಜಗದ...

Śrī-kṛṣṇa-vijayam; Compositions for Singing
In the branch of the Vèllāḻa family that had settled in Srirangapatna, one Candraśekhara-śāstrī was famous. Either it was he or his son Rāmacandra-śāstrī who composed the Vyāyoga titled ‘Śrī-kṛṣṇa-vijayam.’ It was composed during the early part of the nineteenth century or perhaps even earlier.
Among the compositions of Srikanta Sastri’s ancestors, not only poetry, plays, stotras, and songs but also...

शिवायानेकचन्द्राढ्यमिव शार्वं शिरोऽस्तु वः||
[May that head of Śiva which looks as though it bears many moons, as the hairs are being pulled by the (moon-like) nails of Gaurī playfully, bring you fortune.]
करं दानाम्भसार्द्रं यः कुञ्चिताग्रं प्रसारयन्|
ददत्सिद्धिमिवाभाति स पायाद्वो गजाननः||
[Let the elephant-faced deity who is stretching his trunk - drenched in ichor - as though bestowing success/fruition...

Engagement with Different Schools of Philosophy
Rao’s writings on different schools of Indian philosophy are immensely valuable and provide a lot of clarity to its readers. It is important to note that Rao has written works on the thoughts and philosophies of Śaṅkarācārya, Rāmānujācārya, and Madhvācārya. As though to aid these writings, he has penned works such as ‘Śaṅkara-vāṇī.’ He has also written a work called ‘Śāradā Pīṭhada Māṇikya’ (The...
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